Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy. “Beyond Bias And Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential Of Women In Academic Science And Engineering” (2007). Published by: National Academy Of Sciences, National Academy Of Engineering, And Institute Of Medicine Of The National Academies.
Sandler, Bernice. (2005). “Chilly Climate”, National Association for Women in Education.
http://feministphilosophers. resources-related-to-climate/# comments
- Cordelia Fine (2010). Delusions of Gender. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
- Waithe, Mary Ellen ed. 1987-1991. A History of Women Philosophers Vol. 1-3 (Kluwer Academic Publishing). [Waithe’s work consists of four volumes spanning 600 BCE to the mid 1990s.]
Australasian Association of Philosophy Report: “Improving the Participation of Women in the Philosophy Profession” (2008).
"Report on service disparities between male and female associate professors." U.S. study found that while people imagined that they would assert themselves strongly if they were the targeted victims of sexual harassment, when actually confronted with sexual harassment they were more likely to react passively. The study's authors suggest that this gap between how people think they would react and how they in fact would react can exacerbate a culture of victim-blaming.
This website contains data on the percentages of women faculty at various philosophy departments. It also contains data on the percentages of women authors who are published in various philosophy journals.