A paper by Assistant Professor Jake Quilty-Dunn and a paper by 2019 Ph.D. Eddy Chen were chosen for the 2022 Philosopher’s Annual, representing the best work in the discipline that year. Quilty-Dunn’s “The Best Game in Town: The Re-emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive Sciences” (co-authored with Nicholas Porot and Eric Mandelbaum) appears in The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. They defend the idea that the classical computational symbolic structures posited by the Language of Thought hypothesis are far from outdated, but are rather well-supported by recent work in psychology.
In “Fundamental Nomic Vagueness," published in The Philosophical Review, Chen explores the possibility that the fundamental physical laws might be vague in a way that prevents them from being completely expressible in the mathematical language.
LINK TO THE Q-D PAPER. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/abs/best-game-in-town-the-reemergence-of-the-language-of-thought-hypothesis-across-the-cognitive-sciences/76F46784C6C07FF52FF45B934D6D3542
LINK TO DAILY NOUS ANNOUNCEMENT. https://dailynous.com/2023/09/11/philosophers-annual-2022-edition/
LINK TO CHEN PAPER. https://read.dukeupress.edu/the-philosophical-review/article-abstract/131/1/1/296614/Fundamental-Nomic-Vagueness?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Photo borrowed from the DAILY NOUS announcement, which is based on Geoff Myers, “Black + White Numbers”