Help us maintain our excellence as one of the top two departments in the country!

A donation of $50 or more makes you a supporting member of Friends of Rutgers Philosophy. Your donation can help us build our department library, fund student prizes, fund fellowships, and help furnish our new home on the College Avenue Campus. Substantial donations can be used for named lectures and named chairs. If you would like to discuss particular uses for your gift, please email the department chair or call us at (848) 932-9861.

You can make a tax-deductible gift to the Philosophy Department in three ways:

  1. You can mail us a check directly.
    Make checks payable to "Rutgers University Foundation," and mail it to the address on this printable form.

  2. You can donate with a credit card online .
    Online donations must be processed through the Rutgers Campaign Secure Online Donation Form. When you fill out this form, make sure you specify Philosophy" in the box marked "Choose an academic department." Gifts to the Philosophy Department will also be credited toward your Class Gift.

  3. You can designate us as the recipient of your annual gift.
    Whenever you make a pledge to The Rutgers Campaign, make sure you specify that you'd like your gift to go to the Philosophy Department. Gifts to the Philosophy Department will also be credited toward your Class Gift.

    Please consider checking to see if your company will match your donation.

Why Donate?

Rutgers University receives less than one-third of its budget from New Jersey state appropriations, and twenty-three percent from student tuition and fees. Only generous gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporations can maintain the status of Rutgers as one of the top public universities in the nation and our department as one of the top departments in the world.

With New Jersey in a budget crisis, Rutgers departments are being asked to make due with less. Because the Philosophy Department serves so many students and runs so many programs, we make good use of every last dollar. Your contributions can help us through this crucial time.

Matching Donations

Matching gifts are a win-win situation for everybody. Corporations get to make donations to causes their employees support, you get to send more money to the programs of your choice, and recipients are very grateful for the extra funding. Hundreds of companies have matching gift programs that allow you to magnify the impact of your generosity. To name just a few, Addison Wesley Longman, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Fidelity, Gannett, Johnson & Johnson, The New York Times Co., Norton Publishing, Reuters, Verizon, and Wiley and Sons will all match your donation. Many technology, insurance, manufacturing, retail, and financial institutions also participate, as do most foundations.

If your company has a matching gift program, talk to your human resources department about how to have your donations matched. If you are unsure whether your company will match your gift to Rutgers Philosophy, talk to your human resources department or call us at (848) 932-9861 for more information.