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  • Ben Hutchens
  • Lecturer III
  • Regional Campus: Rutgers-Newark


A Lecturer III, Benjamin Hutchens has an Oxford D.Phil. and has been a Fulbright Scholar. He has dedicated years to teaching courses in the core curriculum, including Logic, Reason and Persuasion, Introduction to Philosophy, and Introduction to Ethics. He has also taught numerous sections of Socrates and Plato, Plato and Aristotle, and Philosophy and Law, as well as courses on phenomenology and existentialism.


He is the author of two books, Jean-Luc Nancy and the Future of Philosophy (McGill-Queens University Press 2005) and Levinas (Continuum, 2004) and the editor of Jean-Luc Nancy: Justice, Legality, World (Continuum 2011).


His articles have appeared in Psychoanalytic ReviewSubstanceLiterature and TheologySartre Studies InternationalPhenomenological Inquiry, the London Times Review of Books, and more.


His peer-reviewed publications in the period 2020-2024 include:

1. Schürmann’s Cicero: The Hegemony of the Latin Fantasm and the Problem of the Normative Singular” in Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy (2024)

2. ‘Ricoeur on the Problem of Archaism in the Augustinian Concept of Time’ in Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion. Vol. 6, 2023, (pp. 1-17).

3. ‘Gadamer’s Gorgias: The Imperative of Self-Refutation” in Labyrinth. Vol. 24, (no. 1) Summer 2022, (pp. 192-215). 

4. ‘Pir-ating the Given: Jean Luc Nancy’s Critique of Empiricism’, special issue of Angelaki dedicated to Jean-Luc Nancy, Vol. 26 (no. 3-4), June-August 2021, (pp. 57-69).

5. ‘Ricoeur’s Rawls: Constitutive Antecedence and Reflective Equilibrium’, in Ricoeur Studies. Vol. 11 (no. 1) 2020, (pp. 130-143).