Philosophy majors perform very well on tests such as the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT, and fare better than other majors when applying to medical school as well. For general career exploration guidance, please visit:


Mean GRE Score by Intended Major

Mean GRE Score by Intended Graduate Major (Top 20 of 51 Majors), Source:


Mean GMAT Scores by Intended Undergraduate Major

Mean GMAT Scores by Intended Undergraduate Major


LSAT Scores

Average LSAT Scores by Major, 2022–2023

Average LSAT Scores by Major, 2022-2023 (Source: 

Law School Admissions by Major, 2022–2023

Law School Admissions by Major. 2022-2023


Association of American Medical Colleges

1998 Statistics from the Association of American Medical Colleges

1998 Statistics from the Association of American Medical Colleges

From Paul Jung, M.D., “Major Anxiety: If you think biochemistry is your ticket into medical school, think again”