• Instructor: Camp, Elisabeth | Lepore, Ernie
  • Description:

    Featuring Joyce Carol Oates

    01 (E. Camp, E. Lepore) In this course we will explore philosophical themes of self-knowledge, self-agency and self-sacrifice by comparing classic philosophical texts by authors like Plato and Nietzsche, classic literary texts by authors like Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson, and contemporary literary works by Joyce Carol Oates, National Book Award-winning author of more than 100 novels, short stories, plays and poetry. We will also use this exploration to investigate the different ways that philosophy and literature work to express ideas and engage audiences, and what differences this makes to the ideas expressed. Oates herself will participate actively throughout the course. Assessment will be based on class discussion and short assignments that practice implementing the ideas and techniques we discuss.

  • Credits: 3
  • Sample Syllabus
  • Syllabus Disclaimer: The information on this syllabus is subject to change. For up-to-date course information, please refer to the syllabus on your course site (e.g. Canvas) on the first day of class.